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Find out the latest news in research and the medical world.

Zika virus structure revealed
Check out this article by the NIH on how the structure of the Zika virus can help us understand how the human cells are infected and how...

Heart bypass surgery brings long-term benefits
Check out this article from the NIH on how bypass surgery can help those with coronary artery disease and heart failure....
Migration creates cancer cell vulnerabilities
Check out this article out by the NIH on how migration can cause damage to cancer cells.
ASCO: Calcium channel blockers not associated with increased risk of breast cancer
Check out this article on how research showed that calcium channel blockers are not associated with an increase of breast cancer....

Antidepressants have varied effects on weight change
Check out this post from the NIH about a specific antidepressant has resulted in weight loss compared to other antidepressant...
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